Author, upper left, and friend, Nov 22 1963

1944 Washington D.C. – born January 9

1944-57 Yorkshire, England – Boyhood

1955-57 Bradford Grammar School – Bradford, Yorkshire. Oxford/Cambridge Preparatory

1957 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania- returned to USA

1958-61 Central High School, Philadelphia: National Merit Scholar, Mayor’s Scholarship, General Motors full-tuition Scholarship

1961-65 Wesleyan University: Honors in Letters; minor, biology

1965-66 Cheshire, Connecticut – Dairy farm: animal husbandry, agriculture, mechanics

1966-68 University of Wisconsin: Masters – Wildlife Ecology Dusky Seaside Sparrow

1969-73 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bird Banding Laboratory, Laurel, Maryland – biologist

1974-90 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Regional Office, Portland, Oregon: Habitat acquisition biologist. Developed nation’s first nongame program, with focus on declining “sensitive” bird species.

1978 400 Bald Eagles threatened by logging, Bear Valley National Wildlife Refuge, Klamath Basin, Oregon Instrumental in protecting the largest winter roost in the lower 48.

1989 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill – Leader field study team: Black Oystercatchers

1990 Cape Thompson, Chukchi Sea, Alaska – Leader field study team: Gathered baseline population and productivity data on seabirds.

1990 Ecological Perspectives – established consulting business.

1990-94 Federal Department of Justice: Exxon lawsuit, damages from the Valdez Oil Spill to natural resources held in public trust. Contract – to prepare biological data for litigation.

1992 U.S. Forest Service, Portland, Oregon, Contract – compiled data on neotropical migrant bird populations on national forests in the Pacific Northwest

1996 Ecological Perspectives Articles: 1) Survival of oiled seabirds after cleaning and release.

2) Logging and declines of songbird populations on national forests in the Pacific Northwest.

1996-2000 Soil and Water Conservation District, Wheeler County – Fossil, Oregon, Elected Commissioner

1997-99 Condon-Fossil Times. Wrote weekly nature column for a Central Oregon newspaper

2000 (March, April) Breeding Bird Atlas Project – Crete, Greece. Volunteer

2003 (March, April) Smithsonian Institution – Chiapas, Mexico. Volunteer – study of birds in shade-grown coffee.

2003 (April, May) U.S. Forest Service Bird Banding Station – Tortuguero National Park, Costa Rica. Volunteer

2005 Ecological Perspectives Article: 3) Caspian Terns scapegoated for the declines in Columbia River salmon and steelhead.

2005-present Ecological Perspectives Articles: 4 and 5 (in press) Investigating a) the status and distribution, b) the foraging ecology of California Condor population in the Pacific Northwest.